
Planet positive opportunities

31.5.21 5 MINUTE VIDEO

NCIS video

This is something that will affect all of us. It will affect the next generation and beyond. So there’s a real imperative to achieve our net zero targets and go further if we can.

The big change that’s happened recently is the Environment Bill which, when it becomes law in England, will require 10% biodiversity net gain on all new developments.

Biodiversity net gain is relevant to three main groups: conservation NGOs such as wildlife trusts, delivering the habitat creation and ongoing management; landowners who provide the land for the habitat creation; and developers finding solutions to deliver onsite and offsite biodiversity net gain.

The voluntary carbon marketplace allows purchasers of carbon credits to utilise them in their own net zero journey via new woodland creation schemes and the restoration of degraded peatlands. There’s a huge demand for carbon credits which could become a $50bn industry by 2030 if we’re to hit our targets.

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Roland Bull

Partner, Head of Rural Investment

Roland oversees rural investment property worth £1bn for the UK’s oldest landowners. He’s also helping shape the country’s newest and most sustainable investment markets.

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